Thursday, August 10, 2006

10 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

Multiple pod calls audible.

Good morning! The A12s & A5s kept us busy for most of the night while they stalled off Robson Bight. The A24s & Bs were further east but eventually made their way back to the A12s and A5s. Finally, just as these groups moved off to the east, the A30s and the I15s entered the Strait via Weynton Pass. The A30s, ahead of the I15s, went past CP mid strait around 6am. As they crossed over to the Ecological Reserve the I15s followed. The I15s have just rounded Critical Point. Very low tide this morning and it will be ebbing until around noon. This means the I15s and A30s worked the whole time against the tide in order to reach the Strait & the Reserve.
10 Aug 2006 07:52:57 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

The A11s turned up unexpectedly in Johnstone Strait. We probably missed them going through Blackney Pass. They went west briefly and then turned and headed over to the Vancouver Island shore and down to the Reserve. They are now past Critical Point. While westbound and before their turn they were vocal briefly. This may have influenced the other groups (the A30s,A12s and I15s to finally turn around at the entrance to Weynton Passage. These groups are now slowly moving east but still west of CP. Lovely day ... strong northwesterly breeze but very sunny. There was a large group reported off Camp Point. This may be the Bs, A24s and maybe all of the A5s and the A35s. Hopefully, we find out for sure.
10 Aug 2006 15:48:09 PDT


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