Sunday, August 13, 2006

13 August 2006, Orcalab reports:

Distant calls audible.

Just after the I5s and the A30s headed through Blackfish Sound, the A12s, A11s,A35s,A24s, A51s 7 possibly the A43s came up from the east with the B7s and travelled west on both shores to the Weynton Pass area. They have since turned and are now making their way back. So far we have heard A1 and A4 calls. Lots of boat noise as the seine boats prepare for the 8:30am opening tomorrow.
13 Aug 2006 18:31:15 PDT

Orcas near mics.

The whales,especially the A5s have been very vocal while off Robson Bight. The A12s, A4s and Bs chirp in from time to time. The increase in the A5 calls has made us wonder if the A8s have joined the others. We keep expecting them to all head for the beaches but so far they have stalled and there really has not been a lot of movement west or east, more north and south, shifting from one shore of Johnstone Strait to the other. There is still a lot of boat noise.
13 Aug 2006 22:45:23 PDT


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